30 Funny Images Dedicated To People Who Hate Coriander

There is a whole online community dedicated to expressing hate for the poor little green herb.

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30 Funny Images Dedicated To People Who Hate Coriander

Why is it that so many people seem to hate coriander? I mean, a crazy amount of people hate it! To the point there is a whole online community dedicated to expressing hate for the poor little green herb.

Yep, there is a Facebook Group called 'I Hate Coriander' and it's sole purpose is to convince everyone else to hate it too! It is filled with members who readily join in publicly declaring their distaste for the edible shrub.

Some people hate the taste, some hate the smell, others even hate the look of it. Most members hate all three!

The group is full of funny photo's dedicated to the pure hatred of the Asian herb. Scroll down to see some of the best!

#1 It's Genetic

#1 It's GeneticI Hate Coriander

#2 Ruin Their Lives

#2 Ruin Their LivesI Hate Coriander

#3 Why?

#3 Why?I Hate Coriander

#4 Phew

#4 PhewI Hate Coriander

#5 I Do Not Love This

#5 I Do Not Love ThisI Hate Coriander

#6 Just Saying

#6 Just SayingI Hate Coriander

#7 It's Just Not Normal

#7 It's Just Not NormalI Hate Coriander

#8 Oh The Pain

#8 Oh The PainI Hate Coriander

#9 Had To Be Done

#9 Had To Be DoneI Hate Coriander

#10 Harsh

#10 HarshI Hate Coriander

#11 Why Didn't This Make The News?

#11 Why Didn't This Make The News?I Hate Coriander

#12 Ugh

#12 UghI Hate Coriander

#13 Burn It All

#13 Burn It AllI Hate Coriander

#14 Tell Everyone

#14 Tell EveryoneI Hate Coriander

#15 Please Take It

#15 Please Take ItI Hate Coriander

#16 End It Now

#16 End It NowI Hate Coriander

#17 Look Around You

#17 Look Around YouI Hate Coriander

#18 Four Things

#18 Four ThingsI Hate Coriander

#19 Say No

#19 Say NoI Hate Coriander

#20 It's Official

#20 It's OfficialI Hate Coriander

#21 Devil Weed

#21 Devil WeedI Hate Coriander

#22 Fair Enough

#22 Fair EnoughI Hate Coriander

#23 Ick

#23 IckI Hate Coriander

#24 Trumped

#24 TrumpedI Hate Coriander

#25 Aww

#25 AwwI Hate Coriander

#26 You're Out

#26 You're OutI Hate Coriander

#27 Seems Legit

#27 Seems LegitI Hate Coriander

#28 I Don't Think This Will Flush

#28 I Don't Think This Will FlushI Hate Coriander

#29 Okay

#29 OkayI Hate Coriander

#30 Well, If Gandhi Said It

#30 Well, If Gandhi Said ItI Hate Coriander