40 Embarrassing Hairdo Accidents That People Couldn't Resist Sharing Online

We're deeply sorry for laughing at them.

  • Published in Funny
40 Embarrassing Hairdo Accidents That People Couldn't Resist Sharing Online

Have you ever found yourself walking out of the salon and hoping the ground would open and swallow you until your hair regrows? Rest assured, you are not the only one who has felt this way.

It happens to the best of us. Yes, all of us.

If you get a hairdo that didn't turn out the way you hoped for, the first thing you might want to remind yourself is that your hair will eventually grow back. Of course, it would take some time, and you would probably have to deal with the embarrassment from friends, family, and strangers for a while.

But look at the bright side – now you know that looking up to Kanye West or Nicki Minaj for hairstyle inspiration is probably not a good idea. In a perfect world, we should all be able to pull off our favorite star's hairdo or at least the latest trending style.

Unfortunately, the world we live in is far from perfect, and it's not every style we like that will fit our hair type or face shape.

While there's nothing we can do to change that, we can at least have a good laugh at some of the most embarrassing haircut accidents that have happened to other people while bearing in mind that we could be next!

Enjoy these pictures from "Is This Your Client?" – an Instagram account dedicated to curating hairdo accidents.

1. Oracle, is that you in purple?

1. Oracle, is that you in purple?isthisyourclient

2. Real-life Medusa hairdo. This is what intestines on your head would look like.

2. Real-life Medusa hairdo. This is what intestines on your head would look like.isthisyourclient

3. He's cheering with his ears.

3. He's cheering with his ears.isthisyourclient

4. This has to be one of the stadiums for the world cup!

4. This has to be one of the stadiums for the world cup!isthisyourclient

5. Is this a hairstyle, or did a dog's tail grow on her?

5. Is this a hairstyle, or did a dog's tail grow on her?isthisyourclient

6. You wouldn't want to mess with this guy.

6. You wouldn't want to mess with this guy.isthisyourclient

7. Two thumbs up to the hairstylist who created this creepypiece.

7. Two thumbs up to the hairstylist who created this creepypiece.isthisyourclient

8. At least she wouldn't have to search for coins and pennies.

8. At least she wouldn't have to search for coins and pennies.isthisyourclient

9. Why spend money on a hairband, when your stylist can design a permanent one on your head?

9. Why spend money on a hairband, when your stylist can design a permanent one on your head?isthisyourclient

10. Who doesn't love showing off a basket filled with different fruits?

10. Who doesn't love showing off a basket filled with different fruits?isthisyourclient

11. To become one with spaghetti, you need to BE the spaghetti.

11. To become one with spaghetti, you need to BE the spaghetti.isthisyourclient

12. Maybe she ran out of attachment.

12. Maybe she ran out of attachment.isthisyourclient

13. Seriously? Why?

13. Seriously? Why?isthisyourclient

14. She: "I want to look like I had fun last night." Hairstylist: Say no more.

14. She: isthisyourclient

15. Presenting people with complete lack of awareness.

15. Presenting people with complete lack of awareness.isthisyourclient

16. Poor hair is hanging on for dear life...

16. Poor hair is hanging on for dear life...isthisyourclient

17. Tell me you're a swordsman without telling me you're a swordsman

17. Tell me you're a swordsman without telling me you're a swordsmanisthisyourclient

18. I had this exact haircut for my fourth grade.

18. I had this exact haircut for my fourth grade.isthisyourclient

19. Just, why? You confuse us.

19. Just, why? You confuse us.isthisyourclient

20. Me: I love sunflowers. Stylist: Say no more.

20. Me: I love sunflowers. Stylist: Say no more.isthisyourclient

21. What in the world? Did you forget your hairbrush, ma'am?

21. What in the world? Did you forget your hairbrush, ma'am?isthisyourclient

22. Mess with her and she'll hit you with Karen-style.

22. Mess with her and she'll hit you with Karen-style.isthisyourclient

23. These dreadlocks are kind of scary, but quite useful. Huh.

23. These dreadlocks are kind of scary, but quite useful. Huh.isthisyourclient

24. Absolutely not.

24. Absolutely not.isthisyourclient

25. What was he thinking?!

25. What was he thinking?!isthisyourclient

26. Oh my. There's a lot going on here.

26. Oh my. There's a lot going on here.isthisyourclient

27. The mountain and waterfall hairdo.

27. The mountain and waterfall hairdo.isthisyourclient

28. This is what damaged hair looks like.

28. This is what damaged hair looks like.isthisyourclient

29. Maybe she dipped the air in ammonia one at a time?

29. Maybe she dipped the air in ammonia one at a time?isthisyourclient

30. This is funny, but also why?

30. This is funny, but also why?isthisyourclient

31. I know this is about hairdo, but I couldn't resist.

31. I know this is about hairdo, but I couldn't resist.isthisyourclient

32. Looks like matted hair, not fit for a wedding.

32. Looks like matted hair, not fit for a wedding.isthisyourclient

33. Faux dog ears.

33. Faux dog ears.isthisyourclient

34. How is this even achievable?!

34. How is this even achievable?!isthisyourclient

35. Looks like a mop. How rude.

35. Looks like a mop. How rude.isthisyourclient

36. Are those bacon strips?!

36. Are those bacon strips?!isthisyourclient

37. Oh the poor woman. Healthy hair completely ruined.

37. Oh the poor woman. Healthy hair completely ruined.isthisyourclient

38. Sorry, but this is absolutely horrible.

38. Sorry, but this is absolutely horrible.isthisyourclient

39. Ouch!

39. Ouch!isthisyourclient



In Summary...

We all have our tastes and style, but frankly, there are some things you should not even bother to try with your hair. Most times, bad haircuts happen when people try to be creative with their hair or when they want to recreate a trending style without considering whether it suits their hair type and face shape.

One of the most effective ways to avoid embarrassing haircut accidents is to ask your hairstylist for their opinion on a hairdo you'd like to try. While it is one thing to ask your hairstylist for their opinion, it is another thing to take their recommendation, especially when it differs from what you want.

However, remembering the ground wouldn't open up and swallow you, no matter how much you hope it will, if the haircut you insisted on flops, should be enough motivation to reach a compromise with your hairstylist.
