Guys Who Tries To Pick Girls Up By 'Negging' Get Absolutely Wrecked By This Woman

One woman tears apart guys who think picking up girls using insults is okay.

  • Published in Funny
Guys Who Tries To Pick Girls Up By 'Negging' Get Absolutely Wrecked By This Woman

If you've ever tried online dating you're probably familiar with the many dating tricks tried out by girls and guys trying to make a connection.

Whether you're for a one time hook up or a lifetime relationship you've got to have that certain charisma or flare in order to catch peoples attention, whether that be with compliments, jokes or just a stunning personality. One approach to online dating that is becoming popular is called 'negging'. 

If you haven't heard of it, negging is when a guy will try to pick up a girl by openly insulting her, targeting her self-confidence, in the hopes that she might be vulnerable enough to sleep with him. 

Wow. Just, wow. 

Kat is a comedian from Creve Coeur, Missouri who decided to share with the public her experiences with negging, and the shocking interactions she's had with men who will say ANYTHING to try and sleep with her. She posted the photos of their chats on her Facebook page, and thanks to her amazing responses they're less horrifying than they should be and quite entertaining.


I think her 'LOL' tells us all we need to know about how this situation is going...


But really, how do people think this is okay? Is that how you would start a conversation with your mother?? BOY NO

She went IN on him! 


I'm sorry, she said he looked like an unkempt WHAT!? 

And rightly so! Negging is a gross way to target those who are insecure and just abuse and insults others. That's not something people think is okay in everyday life, but suddenly it's more acceptable because it might just get someone laid? No. No. NO.

And I have a sinking feeling it probably won't be the last... Take note that this man messages her and is open about being 'unhappily married'. Gross.


I'd actually be interested to know how many times negging has actually worked for someone... Are there any success stories?


Poor Kat! Unfortunately for her, this doesn't seem like something that's going to stop anytime soon, luckily for her suitors, they're about to encounter a level of sass that only a special few men ever get to enjoy.


With her good sense of humor and quick wit, Kat finds new ways to burn every new entry that slides into her DM's. Not always in a mean way either! But she puts them in their place enough to know that she's not open to crappy pickup lines, those gross one-liners, or any kind of insult they can throw at her.

Keep it up, Kat! Maybe one day they'll learn something...
