50 Hilarious Game Of Thrones Finale Memes for Those Who Didn't Like How the Show Ended

Do these memes redeem the finale to any degree?

  • Published in Funny
50 Hilarious Game Of Thrones Finale Memes for Those Who Didn't Like How the Show Ended

Game of Thrones (or GOT as the fans refer to it) was the highly successful HBO series based on the George R.R. Martin book series that started on April 17, 2011 and ran until May 19, 2019.

The series saw success like no other series spawning a fan base more passionate than any other. Despite this, the shows ending did not meet the expectations of the fans and spawning an outrage across the fandom. Some suggesting they should refill the entire last season.

Here are some GOT memes that will lighten your spirit if you were one of those fans who were unhappy with the finale.

Possible spoilers ahead if you happen to live under a rock.

Best actor in the whole show?

Best actor in the whole show?Source

Glad the good boys made it.

Glad the good boys made it.Source

The iron throne is to blame

The iron throne is to blame

Kingslayer level is too high to measure.

Kingslayer level is too high to measure.



That's some great character development.

That's some great character development.Source

Yeah, the throne is to blame.

Yeah, the throne is to blame.Source

threxit? Hope it goes better than the actual brexit.

threxit? Hope it goes better than the actual brexit.Source

You can stay?

You can stay?Source

The ending we deserved

The ending we deservedSource





Apparently so.

Apparently so.Source

Well, it was more than 20

Well, it was more than 20Source

Yeah, what was the point of that in the end?

Yeah, what was the point of that in the end?Source

Tyrion is savage

Tyrion is savageSource


What we were promised

What we were promisedSource

A summary of Jon's lines this season

A summary of Jon's lines this seasonSource

No one knows?

No one knows?Source

Pretty much everyone

Pretty much everyoneSource

What a beautiful name

What a beautiful name

It's that bad.

It's that bad.Source

Ruthless. this meme is ruthless.

Ruthless. this meme is ruthless.Source

"You what mate?"


An accurate diagram of the plot.

An accurate diagram of the plot.Source

It wasn't worth it.

It wasn't worth it.Source

The moment we all cared about.

The moment we all cared about.

That's some weird legal system you got there bud.

That's some weird legal system you got there bud.Source

That is the best description of bran

That is the best description of branSource

Brutal king bran

Brutal king bran Source

Definitely what was being written

Definitely what was being writtenSource

Wow. That ruthless Sansa

Wow. That ruthless SansaSource



Didn't go well for her

Didn't go well for her Source

Too true. Too real.

Too true. Too real.Source

These expressions are the best answers to the question.

These expressions are the best answers to the question.Source

An actually good summary of the events

An actually good summary of the eventsSource

More beautiful?

More beautiful?Source

How bran got the top job

How bran got the top job

The real throne

The real throne

Does he though?

Does he though?Source

That's some weird logic mate

Working it out

Working it outSource

At least you understood that man.

At least you understood that man.Source


The throne as it is now

The throne as it is nowSource

I mean you kinda am man



Definitely a win

Definitely a winSource

What did you think of the finale? Did these memes properly summarize the events of the season?
