Woman Seeks Advice After Deciding It's Time To Divorce Her Husband Of 16 Years, But He Is Holding Her Financial Hostage
Her husband has never had a job and he's physically and verbally abusive.
- Published in Interesting
OP has been married for 16 years to a husband who does not work. His reasons are rooted in a dislike for authority and an aversion to being told what to do.
This fundamental difference in work ethics has thrown their lives into a state of financial instability, forcing OP to shoulder the responsibilities of providing for a family of six.
While OP works 40 hours a week to support the household, her husband remains unemployed. His work history during their marriage amounts to a mere four years. This lopsided balance of financial responsibilities has pushed OP to take a step further to secure their future.
Determined to break free from financial constraints, OP embarked on a journey of education while managing her responsibilities as a mother and a wife. This decision, while promising, came with its own set of challenges.
She resorted to student loans to support her family while pursuing her education. Despite graduating, the burden of a $20,000 student loan debt remains.
It's not only the financial woes that weigh on OP's shoulders but also an unhealthy relationship marked by verbal and physical abuse. These instances of aggression have occurred, particularly when her husband is under the influence of alcohol.
OP's plight is exacerbated by her husband's unwillingness to engage in parenting and household duties. From failing to take their children to soccer practice to being averse to making doctor's appointments, her husband's contribution to family life is minimal.
His indifference extends to dinner choices, where fast food is the common meal of the day. This creates additional burdens for OP, who feels compelled to maintain a clean and organized household on her days off.
In the face of a turbulent relationship, financial instability, and emotional abuse, OP is contemplating divorce. The daunting prospect of parting ways is further complicated by property ownership issues.
The family's house was intended to be used jointly with her husband's father, and her brother-in-law also possesses a house in her husband's name. OP remains responsible for property taxes, bills, and the majority of other financial commitments.
OP has been married to his wife for 16 years and they have four children together
u/Elizabeths_AshesOP is working full time but it's not enough for a family of six
u/Elizabeths_AshesHer husband refuses to get a job or help around the house
u/Elizabeths_AshesOP has a dilemma due to some house ownership technicalities
u/Elizabeths_AshesThe husband is also verbally and physically abusive
u/Elizabeths_AshesOP's mind is set, she wants a divorce
u/Elizabeths_AshesOP turned to Reddit for advice
u/Elizabeths_AshesShould be a no-brainer for OP
u/CrystalQueen3000Lawyer up, OP!
u/WielderOfAphorismsIt's time to talk to a professional
u/UsuallyWrite2Biggest loser award
u/NeachaTaking advice from your opponent
u/jmurphy42The complex nature of this situation presents a challenging path forward. OP may have to navigate the intricate web of divorce proceedings, property ownership disputes, and financial hardships.
Her journey is a testament to the resilience of individuals who face adversity head-on, determined to secure a better future for themselves and their loved ones. The prospect of divorce is a daunting one, but it may be the only path forward to provide her children with the safe, nurturing environment they deserve.