Dog Owners Are Going Crazy For These Badass Name Tags For Their Puppers
"I got lost prowling for b***ches, have your people call my people."
- Published in Animals
If you're a dog owner, you can imagine the feeling of complete heartache and anxiety you would feel if your best furry friend were to go missing. Or perhaps, even worse, you have already experienced it for real!
Well, we all know one of the ways to keep tabs on our runaway pooches is to make sure they have ID tags on them at all times. But you may not know that there are some pretty darn bada** name tags available out there.
Eastcoast Engraving is a tag and decal manufacturer based in North Carolina, and they have a collection of tags that are unique, funny, and adorable. In fact, should your beloved pooch get lost, these tags may even give the person who finds them a good laugh whilst letting them know where to return them.
Scroll down to have a look through some of the best!
Oh Sh**t!
EastcoastEngravingHave Your People Call My People
EastcoastEngraving...Really Ugly Crying
EastcoastEngravingThe ASPCA says it is important to make sure your pet is both tagged and microchipped for their safety in the event they are to go missing. However, having a physical tag on their collar is the most reliable - and fastest - solution for when a pet is found.
Having a cool one is even better!
Check out Eastcoast Engraving via their links below:
teresathomason1028Here's what people are saying.
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