31 Funny Comics Based On Real-Life Moments, By Evie Hilliar

This artist really knows how to turn everyday boredom into something funny.

  • Published in Funny
31 Funny Comics Based On Real-Life Moments, By Evie Hilliar

Everyday life can slowly become patterned without even noticing the moment of change. People easily fall into a stage where daily doings are pretty much the same every single day.

It's just a type of real-life that an adult person must accept. And usually, they do, but sometimes we might get the feeling that having so tedium life can be really dull.

Jumping from one task to another can makes us occasionally sad, but luckily there are those days which suit just our soul. And most of us like to reward ourselves with many of those "special days.".

But lucky and funny moments in everyday life are a state of mind actually. And that tactic artists surely know how to use.

Ordinary life can be quite a source of inspiration for so many artists. No matter how boring everyday life could be or even extremely monotony, they'll always find a way to catch its bright purpose.

Evie Hilliar is one of these creative artists. She has the ability to transform real-life moments into funny, very easy-to-digest comics.

She says of herself she adores dragging attention. With her comics, we are sure she gets it enough.

Just her Instagram account has over 80k followers. That is a huge number of people who appreciate her work.

We have selected some of her funny comics to introduce you to her stunning mind and work, but you can also check for more here.

1. Easy peasy.

1. Easy peasy.yeevz_

2. "Give me my dog back."

2. yeevz_

3. Harsh truth

3. Harsh truthyeevz_

4. Therapy is an option also.

4. Therapy is an option also.yeevz_

5. "The light was on"

5. yeevz_

6. Bless me

6. Bless meyeevz_

7. "Can't be sad if you are unconscious"

7. yeevz_

8. Forever vicious circle.

8. Forever vicious circle.yeevz_

9. It really is the time machine, only a different one.

9. It really is the time machine,  only a different one.yeevz_

10. Fears through the ages:

10. Fears through the ages:yeevz_

11. "Lived in the moment"

11. yeevz_

12. Could it be a happy day?

12. Could it be a happy day?yeevz_

13. She's not drunk, she's just having a constructive conversation.

13. She's not drunk, she's just having a constructive conversation.yeevz_

14. We'll see it... Maybe.

14. We'll see it... Maybe.yeevz_

15. Just usual stuff and normal brain thing.

15. Just usual stuff and normal brain thing.yeevz_

16. There is always a reason "why".

16. There is always a reason yeevz_

17. Social behavior and consequences of made decisions.

17. Social behavior and consequences of made decisions.yeevz_

18. "Let them eat balls"

18. yeevz_

19. In this case, it is an exception.

19. In this case, it is an exception.yeevz_

20. When you are bored...

20. When you are bored...yeevz_

21. Battery charging

21. Battery chargingyeevz_

22. Good theory

22. Good theoryyeevz_

23. Just sayin'.

23. Just sayin'.yeevz_

24. " I'm gonna be in my early 20s til I'm at least 45"

24. yeevz_

25. All positive reasons.

25. All positive reasons.yeevz_

26. And just like that...

26. And just like that...yeevz_

27. Nevermind.

27. Nevermind.yeevz_

28. "It smells like 2021 in there"

28. yeevz_

29. It must be the second choice, at least it's more comforting.

29. It must be the second choice, at least it's more comforting.yeevz_

30. She is quirky, period.

30. She is quirky, period.yeevz_

31. Of course, she is okay, why do you even ask?

31. Of course, she is okay, why do you even ask?yeevz_

Hopefully, you enjoyed it as we did. She really has her own pinch of humor, especially the black one xoxo.

If you like her amazing imagination and funny illustrations, you can follow her on Instagram here. Or if you prefer Twitter here it is.

Feel free to join her squad of fans and stay updated with all her work. But we will continue to inform you also, just in case you don't miss anything.

We can't wait for her to reveal new ones.
