Some Of The Funniest Disney Themed Jokes You'll Ever See

If you're in the mood for some Disney themed funniest this will literally be your gates to heaven

  • Published in Disney
Some Of The Funniest Disney Themed Jokes You'll Ever See

As much as some people claim they hate Disney movies everyone has watched at least one or two in their lifetime. And you've to admit, they might not be everyone's thing but they certainly are adorable, and often produce some not-so-terrible music as well. 

Well, those cute characters we know and love been let loose on the internet and people have taken Disney films to a whole new, hilarious, level. They're a new kind of both relatable and annoying in these memes made by people who really deserve more credit. From dry dad jokes right down to real-time history lessons, you'll definitely love this!

I'm surrounded by idiots...

 I'm surrounded by idiots...

Knowledge is sexy, right?

 Knowledge is sexy, right?

Let. It. Go.

 Let. It. Go.

Even Disney characters need parking lessons!

 Even Disney characters need parking lessons!Tumblr



Roll end credits...

 Roll end credits...Tumblr



Can anyone say F**kboy?

 Can anyone say F**kboy?

Monsters Inc 3: Mikes Revenge

 Monsters Inc 3: Mikes RevengeFacebook

... Not even mad...

 ... Not even mad...

What do you mean I have to pay for home help?

 What do you mean I have to pay for home help?Twitter


 NOT. AGAIN.Instagram

Stop it.

 Stop it.Instagram

It appears the tables have turned, Mickey!

 It appears the tables have turned, Mickey!Instagram



Oh, so he can wear a loin cloth in public but if I do it it's "disturbing the peace"...

 Oh, so he can wear a loin cloth in public but if I do it it's Instagram



Not even a prince tells this woman what to do!

 Not even a prince tells this woman what to do!

I now see the problem here...

 I now see the problem here...

I hate how much I love this.

 I hate how much I love this.Instagram