40 Stories Shared By Individuals About Moments That They Knew They Had To Walk Out Of First Dates
First dates are generally a bit awkward and bizarre. But these ones are outrageous!
- Published in Interesting
First dates are generally a bit awkward and bizarre. However, when the individual uses you to cover a costly restaurant bill or attempts to recruit you for a fraudulent business deal, then they are unbearable.
Dating is first and foremost an interaction and a process, so don't go on a first date hoping to meet "The Perfect One"! A reasonable assumption for a first date is that you will have a good time and be interested in learning more about the individual.
A first date isn't about anybody passing judgment on another person; it's simply a valuable chance to check whether there is a connection between you and the person. And since there is no guarantee whether or not a date will turn out well for you, you must be sincerely ready for essentially all that could happen.
A Reddit user with the username u/Eseohii presented a question to the r/AskReddit, asking all those who have left first dates what their "I’m out of here" moment was, and in a flash, people filled up the comments section with insane characters and astonishing stories. Here are 40 of the most upvoted ones for you to read and imagine what people went through on their first dates.
1. That would be wonderful
ELPwork2. An awful finish to a terribly embarrassing date
lechitahamandcheese3. Joined the military to kill people, not to help people
Idid4. Thank goodness for the waiter
VaginalSharknado5. The racist in her just came out
Ok-Illustrator-51966. Less than 5 minutes total date time
Outlander567. My cats are non negotiable
EndyBendy338. You can imagine the level of audacity
Kultaren9. You gotta shave your beards for this relationship to work
Jeborisboi10. When you think your partner smokes too
Zeroprepmas11. This isn't a phone headset but a camera
anarchypretzel12. He should be ran out with utmost speed
blameitonmyouth13. I see your brought your A game...
That_wrench_wrench14. Being pretty enough to be confident
crospingtonfrotz15. When they complain about everything
guacnchip16. A doctor in a women's psychiatric unit
FullLiterature906217. This date must have been terrible for the Lady
KiwiChefnz18. Demeaning others because you're uncomfortable
KnowledgeHistorical819. What goes on in people's head sometimes is baffling
gold_and_diamond20. Well done
FluffyProphet21. A Scorpio must have broken her heart
TheBlackRoomba22. When you think your date's mouth has lost its filter
KalopsiaSuffering23. The audacity...
Notathrowawaysleeve ·24. I would reverse the question back to you
maxgaap25. You were way too nice
cat9tail26. I would go out the door as well
Amos_Moses8327. No thanks...
Monpetitvulcan61628. Someone's going to get it hot
Powerctx29. The guts...
KiwiJaime30. Check this one out
educational-owl-831. Oh, my other date is here
toddwdraper32. Running for my dear life
StellarTabi33. Big yikes
crospingtonfrotz34. What a way to steal from people
Steampunker68335. A fetish party?
2ndHandAdultToy36. He really messed up
unlimitedanna37. Using others to get your ex jealous
MUSTARDUNAVAILABLE38. Would do that too
womIntrovert8439. Very awkward and much confused as well
Interrupting-Dash40. Emoji impressions
jealousofhiscatNot all first dates turn out badly for one or both parties; some actually lead to good relationships from there. Some first dates that turned out badly end up having more dates that are better than the first.
It all depends on the willingness of both individuals. Have you had a bad first date experience before?
Share it with us in the comments section below.