This Dog Was Found At The Train Station With A Suitcase Containing His Things

What began as a heartbreaking tragedy turned out to be a story with a happy ending.

This Dog Was Found At The Train Station With A Suitcase Containing His Things

A dog named Kai made the national news in the UK because of his tragic story. The sad puppy was discovered tethered to a piece of luggage in a Scottish railway station.

All of Kai's worldly possessions were contained in the suitcase, including a pillow, some dog toys, food, and a water bowl. Kai was effectively homeless because he had no one to look after him.

It wasn't long before the Scottish SPCA was able to provide him with temporary care and shelter. It didn't take the SPCA long to discover that he not only had a serious medical issue but that he had also been physically tortured by his prior owner.

Kai appeared to be microchipped, but the data only went back as far as the person who had sold him in 2013, so there was no way of knowing who had abandoned him that day. Abandoning an animal is illegal in Scotland.

While the specifics are sketchy, it appears that the 2013 buyer attempted to sell Kai to a woman on Gumtree a few years later. The transaction immediately went south when the woman went to Ayr Station to meet the man, who was demanding 400 pounds.

It was obvious that the photo he'd put up on the internet was not of Kai. Her suspicions were already raised, so she requested if she may take the dog for a walk first.

The woman told the Daily Record, “I went to Ayr to buy the dog. The guy rushed out with a food chest and lead the dog. But I could see there was something up because he was very skinny.”

She added that “I said I wanted to take the dog for a walk, so he asked me for a 150-pound deposit in case I didn’t come back. Then I saw him tearing off in his car. I phoned and said, ‘You better come back for your dog.’ He never turned up.”

This is Kai

This is KaiSPCA

The woman became anxious since she didn't know what to do. To make matters worse, she needed to return home to her asthmatic daughter, and the last train to Aberdeen was about to depart the station.

That's when the woman decided to abandon Kai, who was still tethered to his suitcase. Before she left, she allegedly told a railway station worker that the pooch was not hers.

He was abandoned at a train station

He was abandoned at a train stationSPCA

Kai, a Sharpei mix, turned out to be in dire need of eyelid surgery since they were curling inwards. However, because the surgery would cost over 1,000 pounds, his rescuers were unsure how to pay for it.

The SPCA was fortunate enough to be able to rely on the charity of strangers both locally and internationally to assist fund the costs. Within 24 hours, Kai's story had prompted almost 2,500 pounds to be donated to his surgery.

Kai was able to get his much-needed procedure thanks to the overwhelming love and support of others. The operation went off without a hitch and was a huge success.

Kai was able to start healing and regaining his health. Kai's popularity prompted over a hundred people to express interest in adopting him.

People compared the dog to Paddington Bear, a fictitious figure who was also abandoned and had a similar background.

Ian Russell, a 52-year-old hydraulic engineer, eventually adopted Kai. He sensed a gap in his home after his Dalmatian died, and he was confident Kai could fill it.

“My Dalmatian Mica passed away just before Christmas and I was left heartbroken. I had her for 15 years and she was the apple of my eye. We pretty much spent 24 hours a day together.

When I heard about Kai I knew the little guy needed a break but I never thought in a million years I’d get him. I called the Scottish SPCA just to check he was okay and see if there was anything I could do to help.

Fast forward a few weeks and here I am taking him home. I honestly think it was meant to be.”

But he has a loving home now

But he has a loving home nowIan Russell

After getting an eyelid surgery

After getting an eyelid surgeryIan Russell

He was adopted by Ian Russell

He was adopted by Ian Russell Ian Russell

Watch the full video:

Russell added that “It feels like fate that I’ve been able to rehome Kai and I’m not usually a believer in things like that. I’m over the moon and very shocked that I was chosen out of everyone who wanted him.”

And everyone who looks at them since they were adopted can tell they're meant to be. They already have a strong bond and are looking forward to spending many years together.

What began as a heartbreaking tragedy for Kai turned out to be a story with a happy ending. 
