Instead Of Saving Herself From The Cold Weather, Dog Cuddles Five Kittens To Keep Them Warm From The Snow

Do animals protect other animals? Sometimes they may realize that all they have in this world is each other.

Instead Of Saving Herself From The Cold Weather, Dog Cuddles Five Kittens To Keep Them Warm From The Snow

With the pandemic still going on, any act of kindness goes a long way. It gives hope and inspiration that even though the world is faced with a lot of challenges right now, you can be sure that somebody out there will lend a hand to help you continue your journey in life.

Moreover, kindness is not only found in humans, but also in animals. Animals might not be able to communicate with humans about their intentions of helping directly, they definitely know how to be kind in their own way.

You might have heard of stories about dogs saving a person from drowning, a cat who killed a snake that might have bitten people inside the house, and most of the time, these are stories of animals saving humans. However, have you ever heard of an animal helping another animal aside from its own kind?

Like this heroic event witnessed by a stranger who was driving back home from Ontario, Canada. The driver spotted a figure which resembles an animal at the side of the road and decided to stop to see what it was.

Considering that the weather was cold and it was dark, the stranger thought the creature might possibly be in danger and needs help. Scroll down to know what the driver had seen in his journey and why the event was considered heroic.

The brave Serenity who took care of the kittens in the middle of the snow.

Upon investigating, the driver found out that it was a dog curled up in the snow. However, it was not alone because after getting a closer look at the dog, five small kittens appeared, which were hiding underneath the dog's coat.

The driver understood what was happening as it was clear that the dog was protecting the kittens from the snow. The dog was keeping the kittens warm, and even though no one knew how the poor kittens and the dog ended up there in the middle of nowhere, the driver continued to help them.

The brave Serenity who took care of the kittens in the middle of the snow.PET AND WILDLIFE RESCUE

Dog still watching over the kittens at the shelter.

The stray dog and the kittens were brought into the Pet and Wildlife Rescue shelter. It was discovered that the dog had no owner and the kittens were abandoned.

Regardless of the fact that no one took care of them, it was known to the rescuers that the dog had taken care of the kittens, saving them from the terrible situation they are in. The dog could have stayed at a warm place but chose to stay and sacrifice for the kittens' sake.

Dog still watching over the kittens at the shelter.PET AND WILDLIFE RESCUE

Their adorable family photo.

Even if they are already in the shelter, the dog continued watching over the kittens as if she was the mother. Everyone in the shelter was amazed at how affectionate this dog was to the kittens.

"It's truly heartwarming! It had been a very cold night so these kittens would have had a very hard time surviving," one of the rescuers said.

Their adorable family photo.PET AND WILDLIFE RESCUE

Pet and Wildlife Rescue's update about the dog and the kittens.

The dog was later named Serenity. With the post being viral, reaching thousands of people on Facebook, the Pet and Wildlife Rescue had put Serenity up for adoption while the kittens will have to stay in the shelter until they are old enough to be adopted.


It is inspiring to witness how the dog turned a possible sad ending for the kittens into a better one and touched thousands of lives with her kindness. Hopefully, the dog and the kittens find their forever home soon who will shower them with love and kindness.

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