Man Inherits Fortune From Grandfather, Faces Claim From Alleged Secret Son

"I couldn't possibly know that pain of not knowing who my father is"

Man Inherits Fortune From Grandfather, Faces Claim From Alleged Secret Son

Prior to cremation or burial, a sample of the deceased person's hair or body is taken in order to obtain DNA samples from the body. After that, the material is transported to a lab for processing, which involves keeping and preserving the DNA.

So since cremation destroys DNA, a cremated body cannot be exhumed for such a purpose. Thus, it is necessary to preserve your loved one's DNA before they are cremated or buried if you are thinking about doing so.

OP's grandparents were cremated when they died, and he inherited their house, which is around $500,000. You see, OP's parents died when he was 13, and he was raised by his paternal grandparents.

The OP was the grandparents only grandchild, as his aunt is childless. One day, the OP gets approached by a man named John, who claims to be his grandfather's son and would like a DNA test to verify it.

The OP was shocked and didn't believe him because that would mean that his grandfather cheated on his grandmother. Still, the OP told John that he would be more than willing to do a DNA test, but only under the condition that he sign away any rights or claims to the house.

It got an adverse reaction, and you can read all about it below.

The headline

The headlineReddit/Appropriate_Rock3187

The current total value of the house is around $500,000

The current total value of the house is around $500,000Reddit/Appropriate_Rock3187

John's mom insisted her ex was the father for years

John's mom insisted her ex was the father for yearsReddit/Appropriate_Rock3187

Unless John can present enough evidence to create doubt, he doesn't have much of a case

Unless John can present enough evidence to create doubt, he doesn't have much of a caseReddit/Appropriate_Rock3187

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the AH:

I think I might be TA because while I knew who my father was it sucked not having in my life so I feel I can kinda empathize, but again I don't want to loose my home.

The post went viral with more than 2k comments and 18k upvotes

The post went viral with more than 2k comments and 18k upvotesReddit/Appropriate_Rock3187

He didn't agree to draw up papers

He didn't agree to draw up papersReddit/Appropriate_Rock3187

His wife's behaviour is a huge red flag

His wife's behaviour is a huge red flagReddit/Appropriate_Rock3187

The OP has gotten a lawyer

The OP has gotten a lawyerReddit/Appropriate_Rock3187

Just in case this wasn't clear, the OP gave more info

  • My aunt is aware of everything is supports what I'm doing.
  • My grandparents will was very clear once the both passed I get the house, my aunt got their Life Insurance policy, we split the remainder of their savings, and sentimental items were to be given to the designated people. There was NO mention of giving anything for a possible secret long lost child.
  • My grandparents were cremated so John wouldn't be able to even request that my grandfather be dug up for a test. Although, my aunt and I haven't told him that.
  • I did initially block his wife but she created other accounts.
  • I'm an American and live in the U.S.A.

They can't call the OP greedy

They can't call the OP greedyReddit/Appropriate_Rock3187

Judges are notoriously weird in probate

Judges are notoriously weird in probateReddit/Appropriate_Rock3187

They left the OP the house

They left the OP the houseReddit/Appropriate_Rock3187

Watching enough cop shows

Watching enough cop showsReddit/Appropriate_Rock3187

Some Redditors find this all very dubious. One part because John would be willing to give up any claim to the estate if he truly wanted to know who his father is, and in part because he is only now investigating this, although he could have done so while OP's grandfather was still alive.

The OP was declared not the AH eventually.
