Disney Princesses Reimagined As Popular TikTok Stars

Disney princesses and what they would be like, catching up with trends

  • Published in Disney
Disney Princesses Reimagined As Popular TikTok Stars

Disney princesses are all from completely different eras, they're from an old fashioned world where everything used to be so much simpler than our current times. However, considering how bad a** they all are, if they lived in our time, they would probably have the coolest jobs ever.

After all, they are princesses and that would play an immense role.How you ever wondered how Disney princesses would use TikTok?

The platform is filled with stereotypical influencers so each one of them would probably fit in perfectly and manage to find highly profitable niches that they like. Here's a glimpse into a world that would've been quite fun to live in.

Princess Tiana: The Recipe Influencer

Princess Tiana: The Recipe InfluencerCharlotte Gomez / BuzzFeed

Belle: The Book Influencer

Belle: The Book InfluencerCharlotte Gomez / BuzzFeed

Mulan: The Catfish Queen

Mulan: The Catfish QueenCharlotte Gomez / BuzzFeed

Moana: The Travel Influencer

Moana: The Travel InfluencerCharlotte Gomez / BuzzFeed

Pocahontas: The Social Justice Expert

Pocahontas: The Social Justice ExpertCharlotte Gomez / BuzzFeed

Rapunzel: The Lifestyle Influencer

Rapunzel: The Lifestyle InfluencerCharlotte Gomez / BuzzFeed

Snow White: The TikTok Soft Girl

Snow White: The TikTok Soft GirlCharlotte Gomez / BuzzFeed

Megara: The TikTok E-girl

Megara: The TikTok E-girlCharlotte Gomez / BuzzFeed

Cinderella: The Shopping Haul Influencer

Cinderella: The Shopping Haul InfluencerCharlotte Gomez / BuzzFeed

Elsa and Anna: Iconic TikTok Dancer Duo

Elsa and Anna: Iconic TikTok Dancer DuoCharlotte Gomez / BuzzFeed