Redditors Debunked These 30 Survival Myths That Could Actually Get You Killed

Instead of keeping you alive, this false information might get you closer to death.

Redditors Debunked These 30 Survival Myths That Could Actually Get You Killed

Earthquakes, fires, tornadoes, snowstorms, and other calamities can happen at any moment and to anyone. With these man-made or natural disasters, everyone should know basic survival skills and be able to keep themselves safe until help arrives.

With the media and internet these days, you can access various information and conduct your own research on what you should and should not do during these times. However, there are instances that the things or tips that you will find in these sources are not true, and following those will possibly endanger your life and the people around you if not corrected.

Fortunately, to spread awareness and let other people know what survival myths are, a Reddit user named standardgenre45 initiated the discussion about them. The thread will help those who might encounter dangerous situations in the future so that they will not be misled by whatever they see over the internet.

Knowledgeable individuals have shared their experiences in the comment section, providing proof and explaining to other Reddit users why a particular myth will probably kill you if you choose to follow it. You can scroll down to find out what these survival myths are how they can either make the situation worse or get you killed in the process.

The actual thread in Reddit.

The actual thread in Reddit.Reddit/standardgenre45

#1 Don't get home until the doctor says so.

#1 Don't get home until the doctor says so.Reddit/EatDiveFly

#2 The sooner the report, the better.

#2 The sooner the report, the better.Reddit/SalFunction12| Taylor Grote

#3 Choose a rock that will help make fire, not a grenade.

#3 Choose a rock that will help make fire, not a grenade.Reddit/ascootertridingataco| Aaron Burden

#4 Things you have to be BEARy careful.

#4 Things you have to be BEARy careful.Reddit/Siriuxx| Céline Chamiot-Poncet

#5 If you're trapped in a snowstorm while driving.

#5 If you're trapped in a snowstorm while driving.Reddit/davidvidalnyc| Danny Sleeuwenhoek

#6 Humans and animals have different diets.

#6 Humans and animals have different diets.Reddit/eslforchinesespeaker| Sebastian Unrau

#7 Water is important, but you are more important than water so keep yourself hydrated.

#7 Water is important, but you are more important than water so keep yourself hydrated.Reddit/RangerActual| Kate Joie

#8 Antivenin is universal. Don't try to endanger yourself more by catching the snake that bit you.

#8 Antivenin is universal. Don't try to endanger yourself more by catching the snake that bit you.Reddit/harrymurkin| James Wainscoat

#9 Cactus will make it worse.

#9 Cactus will make it worse.Reddit/Ehzabeth| David Sola

#10 Get yourself a Pedialyte or Gatorade made at home.

#10 Get yourself a Pedialyte or Gatorade made at home.Reddit/cardamom_poppies| Bluewater Sweden

#11 Don't breath, cover yourself, and run.

#11 Don't breath, cover yourself, and run.Reddit/scoopdiddy_poopscoop| eberhard grossgasteiger

#12 Unless it's a fruit or a vegetable, don't eat anything raw.

#12 Unless it's a fruit or a vegetable, don't eat anything raw.Reddit/mjohnsimon| Marie-Michèle Bouchard

#13 Don't wait and get into safety as soon as possible.

#13 Don't wait and get into safety as soon as possible.Reddit/WhiteGravy747

#14 Grab yourself some bear spray.

#14 Grab yourself some bear spray.Reddit/SugarRAM

#15 Avoid alcohol at all cost.

#15 Avoid alcohol at all cost.Reddit/bobbi21| phil cruz

#16 Punching the shark's eyes is a better idea than punching its nose.

#16 Punching the shark's eyes is a better idea than punching its nose.Reddit/KrazieKanuck| Alex Steyn

#17 Do not remove the object.

#17 Do not remove the object.Reddit/fall_and_green| Jp Valery

#18 Tie it on the right place.

#18 Tie it on the right place.Reddit/nowhereman136| Robert Zunikoff

#19 Staying on this situation is more beneficial than leaving.

#19 Staying on this situation is more beneficial than leaving.Reddit/Slavic_bumpkin| Ivars Krutainis

#20 You have to be noisy when alone at regular intervals.

#20 You have to be noisy when alone at regular intervals.Reddit/peelinglintforprofit

#21 Shelter is also one of the basic human needs. Secure one.

#21 Shelter is also one of the basic human needs. Secure one.Reddit/Tru3insanity| Ahmed Zayan

#22 Don't directly apply what you see on televisions or social media, learn to analyze the situation.

#22 Don't directly apply what you see on televisions or social media, learn to analyze the situation.Reddit/SanibelMan| Nikolas Noonan

#23 All you have to do is stay.

#23 All you have to do is stay.Reddit/rowman25| NeONBRAND

#24 Always choose the better option, no matter how small the chances are.

#24 Always choose the better option, no matter how small the chances are.Reddit/NuckingFutsWinx| Gaurav Baya

#25 Choose wisely.

#25 Choose wisely.Reddit/hacktheself

#26 Lightning news for you.

#26 Lightning news for you.Reddit/whimsy_rainbow

#27 They could be migrating. Who knows?

#27 They could be migrating. Who knows?Reddit/C_IsForCookie| Mehdi Sepehri

#28 Sucking is equivalent to faster death.

#28 Sucking is equivalent to faster death.Reddit/JakeRyback18| David Clode

#29 Urines are toxins flushed from your body which is why you shouldn't drink it.

#29 Urines are toxins flushed from your body which is why you shouldn't drink it.Reddit/westglade| Marvin L

#30 Great for the survival of the species, but not in surviving hypothermia.

#30 Great for the survival of the species, but not in surviving hypothermia.Reddit/RavennaMagnus| Rahul Bhosale

Misinformation can quickly spread these days, so you must be able to distinguish the difference between facts and myths, especially if you are in a life and death situation. Keep in mind that every wrong move decreases your chances of survival.

Are you also a victim of these survival myths? Like and share this story with your family and friends to spread awareness!
