These Cat Names On Pet Finder Are Seriously Adorable

How do people come up with such creative names for cats?

  • Published in Animals
These Cat Names On Pet Finder Are Seriously Adorable

When it comes to naming pets, people have a tendency to be predictable and keep things simple. There is nothing wrong with keeping pet names simple, but it's a lot more fun to get creative, isn't it?

For every black cat in the world named Shadow and every white paw havin' kitten named Mittens or Boots, there is a plethora of more unique, silly and absurd, and fascinating things people have named cats. What better place to get an idea of how creative naming cats can get than the Petfinder App?

The Petfinder mobile app helps users hoping to rescue an animal search for adoptable pets by shelter or rescue, breed, size, and more. They're partnered with thousands of shelters all across North America and have pet adoption options for people in search of cats, dogs, and other animals like rabbits, birds, fish, and even horses!

Potential pet profiles feature details on adoptable pets including bios written by shelter volunteers and employees and most importantly: a picture and a name. It's a lot easier to find the right pet to adopt when you can see them, after all, but more importantly, it's a lot easier for us to giggle and gush over cat names when we have a whole app to browse the absurd and silly choices humans make when naming cats.

1. Cheesy Mac

1. Cheesy Macpetfinder

2. "Apple Glitter Twinkle Toes Curio"

2. petfinder

3. Tony Manero

3. Tony Maneropetfinder

4. Toni & Oscar

4. Toni & Oscarpetfinder

5. Marie Antoinette

5. Marie Antoinettepetfinder

6. "Scooter Pie"

6. petfinder

7. Julius Sneezer

7.  Julius Sneezerpetfinder

8. Moo Moo

8. Moo Moopetfinder

9. Loki

9. Lokipetfinder

10. Katniss

10. Katnisspetfinder

11. "Mr. Monopoly"

11. petfinder

12. "Elizabeth her Majesty"

12. petfinder

13. Falkor

13. Falkorpetfinder

14. "Tater"

14. petfinder

15. Provolone

15. Provolonepetfinder

16. Batman

16. Batmanpetfinder

17. "Annie Oakley"

17. petfinder

18. Poseidon

18. Poseidonpetfinder

19. "Professor Farnsworth"

19. petfinder

20. Candy Corn Tortilla

20. Candy Corn Tortillapetfinder

21. "Boopsy Snoopsy"

21. petfinder

22. Beluga

22. Belugapetfinder

23. Toothless

23. Toothlesspetfinder

24. "Digby"

24. petfinder

25. Zoboomafo

25. Zoboomafopetfinder

26. Appaloosa

26. Appaloosapetfinder

27. "Razzmatazz"

27. petfinder

28. Eggo

28. Eggopetfinder

29. Black Bottom Pie

29. Black Bottom Piepetfinder

30. "Brad Pitt"

30. petfinder

31. "Johnny Be Good"

31. petfinder

32. Sally Mae

32. Sally Maepetfinder

33. Curly Fry

33. Curly Frypetfinder

34. Grumpy Charlie Tuna

34. Grumpy Charlie Tunapetfinder

35. Tesla

35. Teslapetfinder

36. "Dr Pepper"

36. petfinder

37. "Hodor"

37. petfinder

38. Garfield Tutu

38. Garfield Tutupetfinder

39. Brontosaurus

39. Brontosauruspetfinder

40. "Butter & Cheddar"

40. petfinder