Viral Cat Memes Are Transformed Into Purr-fect Cat Illustrations
What would the Internet be like without cats?

Cat memes are the Internet’s classic. It sometimes seems that the Internet was invented so people could share cat memes.
Cats are expressive creatures, and cats get into all kinds of amusing and strange situations, so cats are great material for memes. What would the Internet be like without cats?
We guess it would be a pretty dull place. Tactooncat is an Indonesian artist and an obvious cat lover.
She decided to recreate viral cat memes as adorable illustrations. You can find all of her drawings on her page, and we have selected some of our favorites to present them here. Enjoy
1. Ray of light or laser cat?

2. Stealth Kitty



5. Bubble bath kitten

Cat memes are very versatile: you can find photos of cats guarding the watermelons, cats chilling in the fridge, even cats with birds on their heads. With such material and inspiration, it's impossible not to wish a cat meme of your own. It's not surprising that the internet is full of them.
Tactooncat creates cat illustrations almost every day and has more than 115k followers on Instagram with nearly 350 cat pictures. She posted her first illustration in October 2019, and she continued sharing them daily, to our delight.
This art style is quite simple but very expressive. Emotions are visible and dominant in every single drawing: the happiness, the pain, suffering. And the illustrations don't show just the cat's emotion – they also show the love that the artist has for these amazing creatures.

7. Nice material for cat pillows

8. Black Cat Teefies


10. In Cat Lingo: Oh Lawd He Comin'


12. Just a lizard and his cat


14. Lovely

15. Cats are liquid

16. Beauty treatment, a cat's spa day

17. Mask on

18. Lazy

19. Please, leave me here...

20. Idol

21. A duck and a cat



24. Nooooooo

25. Why?

26. Hellooooo

27. The guardian

28. Stuck

29. Wow

