This Cat and Dog Became Travel Besties And Their Travel Photos Are The Best Things Ever

When a cat and dog's travel photos look better than humans, it's not a problem, it's a magical thing.

This Cat and Dog Became Travel Besties And Their Travel Photos Are The Best Things Ever

Traveling is one of the best things this life and world can offer, and it certainly is one of the most perfect ways to spend time with your loved ones or chosen companions. While solo traveling is quite freeing to think, having a travel buddy can certainly give you an experience of a lifetime.

If you love traveling and you have a couple of pets you would like to bring, then go for it! Having your pet dog or cat will definitely give you an adventure that's twice the fun!

For Cynthia Bennett and Andre Sibilsky, a couple that has been traveling for years, their dog and cat have definitely spiced up their trips and made it way more fun and amusing. Their pets were rescued and adopted from animal shelters.

The cat and dog turned into best friends, and now they're traveling to different places and taking on new adventures together. They instantly became inseparable, and the photos that Bennett and Sibilsky captured of them are to die for!

If these photos won't convince you even for a bit on how amazingly good cats and dogs get along together, then you better get your eyes checked. Check out and read on to find out the amazing story these two animals have below!

Meet Henry and Baloo.

The unlikely duo that truly made their parents' a lot more significantly fun and memorable.Meet Henry and Baloo.henrythecoloradodog

Here they are with their parents, Cynthia and Andre, who they have been traveling with for the past several years. These four-legged hikers are the perfect buddies for each other, as Baloo helps Henry calm down with his separation anxiety, and Henry's head and back are always there for Baloo to sit or rest on, especially on long journeys.

The two always display an adorable amount of affection towards each other, and it's no question that they love each other very much. They share a lot of extraordinary moments that make their trips so memorable.

Luckily enough, their mom Cynthia is a professional photographer—which gives us a chance to witness these beautiful moments in the form of amazing photographs posted on the Internet. The duo even has an Instagram account with over two million followers, as they become an instant hit on the Internet world.henrythecoloradodog

Henry was just three months old when he was adopted by Cynthia and Andre, and he was the first one to join in on their trips. They were on a search for a strong and energetic travel buddy, and Henry seemed like the perfect fit.

Henry was formerly called Buttercup before he was adopted. “He convinced us to take him home within seconds, when he crawled into my lap going belly up right away. We took Henry on his very first hike that week and immediately he scaled the steepest rock to get a better view," says Cynthia.henrythecoloradodog

Through the years, Henry's love for traveling and adventure grew stronger. He truly was the mountain dog that Cynthia and Andre had been dreaming of.


Baloo was then adopted, but the couple actually had trouble finding the perfect buddy for Henry because of his mental disorder.

Sure enough, Baloo was perfect. It didn't take long for them to warm up to each other and as they began to have more adventures together, their friendship just grew even more impressive then ever.henrythecoloradodog
Now, they truly seem inseparable, and these beautiful photos Cynthia took is certainly a testimony to that.henrythecoloradodog
They always seem so at peace and adorable in their pictures together!henrythecoloradodog

To have a pet as a companion while traveling is certainly a dream, and having two of them is just pure heaven! This couple certainly got all the luck in the world for having a cat and dog that love each other so well as much as they love to travel.

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