Adorable Black & Tuxedo Cats Caught On Camera Being As Funny As Possible

We can all use more Black Cat Appreciation in our lives.

  • Published in Animals
Adorable Black & Tuxedo Cats Caught On Camera Being As Funny As Possible

Let's chit-chat about black cats. Have you been so lucky in life to be the full-time caretaker of even a single black cat? Congratulations.

You already know that these cats are special and these cats are wonderful. You also know that black cats come in all shapes and sizes, not a single one better or worse than the rest of the black cats.

We also know that society has placed no shortage of myths about black cats, even black cat legends, because the coat of these cats is the sort of thing you can't look away from.

Did you know that black cats have been unfairly associated with witchcraft and Satan as far back as the Middle Ages? We know today that myths like that about black cats are bunk, and that black cats are not only as delightful and safe as any other cat, but for plenty of us: black cats are the absolute best.

1. This kitty is doin' us a freight

1. This kitty is doin' us a freightTurquoiserouge

2. Interesting choice of comfort.

2. Interesting choice of comfort.mon_moe

3. Gary the tuxedo cat has skills

3. Gary the tuxedo cat has skillsreddit

4. Purrposefully Purrfect

4. Purrposefully Purrfectstardamnit

5. Sometimes, the best stories begin exactly like this, even with cats.

5. Sometimes, the best stories begin exactly like this, even with cats.reddit


6. SO VERY S P O O K Yiftheycatchyou

7. We've all been there

7. We've all been thereNomdasbird

8. It was only a matter of time

8. It was only a matter of timejz88k

9. I don't know what is better, the kitty fluff, the kitty face, or the kitty name.

9. I don't know what is better, the kitty fluff, the kitty face, or the kitty name.keschaller89

10. Okay Linda, ya weirdo.

10. Okay Linda, ya weirdo.Critical_Tonight1529

11. Mega Derp: Cat Style

11. Mega Derp: Cat Styleitsmorningcptn

12. Appropriate

12. Appropriateaantipeachh

13. It's a skill

13. It's a skillJPhahaha

14. Not to be dramatic, but I love this black cat.

14. Not to be dramatic, but I love this black cat.higheronkolbob

15. S N O W

15. S N O Wgiotsaousis

16. We've all been there, kitty.

16. We've all been there, kitty.liltiddygothgfxx

17. Name one thing about this that isn't delightful? (Tip: you CANNOT.)

17. Name one thing about this that isn't delightful? (Tip: you CANNOT.)krokadil228

18. Not even mad tho

18. Not even mad thoL3m0n0p0ly

19. This cat is normal enough if you ask me.

19. This cat is normal enough if you ask me.-Xyriene-

20. A gift has been bestowed upon your eyes, embrace it.

20. A gift has been bestowed upon your eyes, embrace it.elsaleasing

21. An understatement

21. An understatementAgent_Skully9114

22. Maximum Comfort Meets Purrsonality

22. Maximum Comfort Meets PurrsonalitySinatra-1

23. Thank you, Taylor, for existing as a kitty and and entertaining as a goblin.

23. Thank you, Taylor, for existing as a kitty and and entertaining as a goblin.ahdeedahz

24. This kitty is sleeping his way into another dimension

24. This kitty is sleeping his way into another dimensionecstatictiger

25. The extra bit of chonk really makes the void impressive

25. The extra bit of chonk really makes the void impressiveB1ffyClyr0

26. He knows what he wants

26. He knows what he wantsConniving_Carrotte

27. Thank goodness

27. Thank goodnessreddit

28. A derpy cat nap is a good nap, to be honest.

28. A derpy cat nap is a good nap, to be honest.numberonepassion

29. Don't change anything about yourself, Oni. Ever.

29. Don't change anything about yourself, Oni. Ever.stuntofthelitter

30. Jewelry

30. Jewelryreddit