Person Makes TikTok Asking AI How The World Will End And The Response Is Confusing
If you've ever wondered how the world will end, maybe don't ask AI.

TikTok has many people on it that make videos doing some really crazy or interesting stuff and every day we find new people to watch. Well, today we'll be looking at a TikToker who makes videos asking AI systems questions.
Now, AI has become extremely popular, and more and more people ar starting to use it whether they know it or not. Ultimately, AI systems are meant to be "smart" but essentially these answers don't make much sense when you watch the TikTok video.
Honestly, if you came here trying to figure out how the world ends, you might be even more confused afterward than you were to begin with. We still wanted to share this video though as it's gotten a lot of attention on TikTok and people are sharing it everywhere.
We also wanted to take a look at some comments that were left on the video and when reading them you'll know they're just as confused as us. We can't confirm that this AI system is accurate at all and it seems that people in the comments have some jokes about its answer.
Let's dive in and take a look at this AI system's response and what people had to say.
To start off, here is the TikTok video
I suppose the photos are resembling how the world will end as that's the question the TikToker asked the AI. This is pretty creepy so just be prepared when watching it.
It's also pretty odd and doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
People immediately started speculating what exactly the AI was trying to say and this comment went straight to Illuminati.

Some commenters really had jokes about the usage of pyramids in the AI's prediction, but I doubt it points to Toblerones.

Who knows what this means. It could be aliens for all we know, so we can't take it completely at face value.

Someone told them to ask about the Antarctica ice wall, but turns out they've already done that video.

Clearly it made people want answers to other questions that they had, including questions about 2012.
I know if it was me I'd definitely be asking this AI everything that I'd want to know, but honestly, I'm not sure how much I'd really want to know.

Here's another video of them asking the AI what's at the center of the Earth.
It seems that the answer to all these questions is quite creepy and I don't know what it means, but it's weird. If you want to see more from them then you'll have to check out their TikTok page where they ask this AI many different questions.
Well, this was interesting and confusing. This TikTok video isn't like many of the others that we've seen before, because it's very creepy but still pretty cool.
I know I'd love to ask this AI some questions myself and I'm sure some of you do too. If you want to see more from them then be sure to follow their TikTok page for more.