This Adult Baby Struggles To Find Employment Because People Do Not Like Him Wearing Diapers

I mean, it cuts down on break time; right?

This Adult Baby Struggles To Find Employment Because People Do Not Like Him Wearing Diapers

Some people do not choose a conventional lifestyle and often find solace in communities of like-minded people online. The internet has been wonderful for connecting people and helping them live their authentic lives.

This is true of the adult baby community. While not for everyone, adult babies like to... well, live as adult babes.

They take elements of being a baby, such as wearing diapers, and incorporate that into their adult life. I think it is important to remember, that, as long as someone is not hurting themselves or anyone else then we should withhold judgement and let them live their lives in a safe and happy manner.

Damian, 28, is a part of the Adult Baby Diaper Loving community (ABDL) and wears nappies all day long.

He told Metro UK:

"Diapers are very convenient, comfortable, and cute. It’s a very nice lifestyle and I wouldn’t want to do anything else.

Damian, 28, is a part of the Adult Baby Diaper Loving community (ABDL) and wears nappies all day long.Damien Turner on Facebook (via the Mirror UK)

Damian's past employers have not been supportive of him.

"Employment is hard. I'm constantly in and out of jobs. Sometimes my employers find my pictures online or just can't put up with the fact I'm wearing a diaper and acting childish in the workplace."

"I have enough saved up for a while but at the moment I’m currently putting in job applications. So we’ll see how that goes."

Damian's past employers have not been supportive of him. Damien Turner on Facebook (via the Mirror UK)

Damian is proud of his lifestyle choice, even though it has cost him relationships.

 "I've lost a few childhood best friends. I do still have a few good friends that all know about it. I never hide it. If you are around me, it's just the norm."

His parents, though, are supportive:

"I found it very appealing and have pretty much been wearing them since I was 16. I lied and told my parents I had an [incontinence] problem at the time so they would buy me some.

"Eventually, I told them the truth. My parents don’t really mind at all, I’ve never had a problem with them when it came to my lifestyle."

Damian is proud of his lifestyle choice, even though it has cost him relationships. Damien Turner on Facebook (via the Mirror UK)

I mean, each to their own, right?

As long as you aren't hurting anyone ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
