Cutest Photos of Big Cats Acting Adorably Similar To Our Beloved Pet House Cats

We've got you covered with these adorable, but non-biting, pictures of adorable big cats.

  • Published in Animals
Cutest Photos of Big Cats Acting Adorably Similar To Our Beloved Pet House Cats

Who among cat lovers doesn't get a kick out of seeing a big cat in an animal rescue or zoo acting exactly like one of their own fur babies? If the thought of snuggling a big fuzzy lion feels like the best and worst idea ever at the same time, you've come to the right place.

We've compiled a collection of adorable photos of big cats behaving like house cats that will have you surging into pure joy in no time. Below is a compilation of photos of big cats being cute while demonstrating everything they and the average house cat have in common.

You'll see evidence that these adorable big cats share many of the same interests as their smaller cousins, such as catnip, boxes, and a penchant for squeezing into impossible-to-fit spaces. On the other hand, there are a few things that do not seem to resonate well across the entire universe of the feline kinds, such as vet visits or any situation in which the feline in the room is not the center of attention.

We've got you covered with these adorable, but non-biting, pictures of adorable big cats performing everything from giving scratchy-tongued kisses to ruining Christmas trees, toilet rolls, and any possibility of you leaving without a smile.

1. You think your kitty is cute when they're enjoying a good roll and swipe with the murder mittens? Wait 'til you see a big black jaguar do the same!

1. You think your kitty is cute when they're enjoying a good roll and swipe with the murder mittens? Wait 'til you see a big black jaguar do the same!

2. Here is Puma

Puma gave it a sniff and seemed uninterested. But, like many house cats, she did not want to share. So when her kitty roomie started trying to get a swipe in, she was nottttt happy! 

2. Here is

3. All that floof is perfect for a roll in the nip! Your house kitty gets it.

3. All that floof is perfect for a roll in the nip! Your house kitty gets

4. One sniff and this tiger instantly gave the most stoned lil smile. Cats and their catnip, am I right?!

4. One sniff and this tiger instantly gave the most stoned lil smile. Cats and their catnip, am I right?!

5. So cute

Ok, I'm not a big cat specialist, but my guess is serval or some sort of lynx?? Idk, either way, this baby did the classic kitty sniff and swipe the cheeks on the catnip container. Adorable!

5. So

6. Don't be fooled, this big kitty is just like your lil kitty. I mean, look at the sniff and roll with the derpiest most adorable face!!

6. Don't be fooled, this big kitty is just like your lil kitty. I mean, look at the sniff and roll with the derpiest most adorable face!!

7. Here is the Lioness, the queen of the jungle AND the queen of the catnip! (Just like all cats big or small.)

7. Here is the Lioness, the queen of the jungle AND the queen of the catnip! (Just like all cats big or small.)

8. Ok, this one is definitely a linx. This little guy got one sniff and now needs more!

8. Ok, this one is definitely a linx. This little guy got one sniff and now needs more!

"All cats are cats no matter how big." So sit back and watch their video below


Have you ever wanted to cuddle with a huge savage big cat more than now? Have you ever seen them get excited about catnip?

It's exactly like your adorable little house cat. But if you think their murder mittens hurt, you'd be terrified of these big wildcats' claws.

We're sure you had a good time taking these pictures. Please share your thoughts in the comments section.
