Child Saved His Puppy's Life By Leaving Him In A Box At A Shelter With A Heartbreaking Note
"Here is a toy so he won't forget me."
- Published in Animal Stories
A mere day before Valentine's Day, Xollin, an animal shelter in Mexico received an unexpected package outside their building. A box with a puppy inside, a toy, and a note, all apparently left behind from a 12-year-old boy. The world can be a really dark place, and abandoning pets is a tumultuous topic that often leaves people in a heightened emotional state, understandably very upset.
The case in Mexico is equally heartbreaking as it is promising in the sense that children can break cycles of violence and negativity, and offer something better to the world. Just as this anonymous child did for the puppy he helped save.
The shelter posted to their Facebook page:
Someone left this dog at the door of the shelter, inside a box, with a plush toy and a note. The note was written by a kid and he explained his dad was always beating the dog and was planning to sell him. So, in such a state of despair, he left the dog here to save him.
XollinStep One: inspect the puppy's health
When an animal is abandoned on your doorstep, the first thing you'll want to do is check the defenceless critter for harm and illness. They explained their plan of action:
We need to take the dog to the vet so he can check his tail, which apparently is fractured. We also need to remove parasites and get him a check-up. This means more expenses and work for us, but luckily the dog will be safe.
XollinAll that is known about the person who dropped off the dog is that he is a 12-year-old boy named Andrés.
XollinHis heartbreaking note reads:
"My name is Andrés and I’m 12 years old. My mom and I decided to leave him to you. All of this is behind my dad’s back, because he was thinking of selling him. But he is always beating and kicking the dog. Once he kicked him so hard that his little tail got injured. I hope you can help him and take care of him. Here is a plush toy so he won’t forget me."
XollinVolunteers at Xollin Shelter named the dog Rene.
Shortly after sharing the dog's story, messages rolled in. 300 in a matter of hours... looking to adopt Rene!
XollinThe shelter wants more good to come of their unintentionally viral post.
There is only one Rene, but there are hundreds of dogs in need of forever homes. They wrote:
If you all opened your heart and your home to all and not only to this dog, all our animals in the shelter would have been already adopted twice. Thanks to the few people who came to the shelter offering their help to protect other animals suffering abuse or being abandoned in our district and surroundings.
XollinRene and the stuffed animal Andres left for him.
XollinIt's true, not everyone can adopt Rene. It's also true that there are animals in all of our communities just as ready and worthy of a forever home that we can adopt.
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