40 Blepping Cats Seem To Forget That Their Tongues Are Supposed To Be Inside Their Mouths And Not Stick Out

They all look cute derps.

  • Published in Animals
40 Blepping Cats Seem To Forget That Their Tongues Are Supposed To Be Inside Their Mouths And Not Stick Out

Cat owners will always regard their pets as the smartest, most adorable, and most perfect balls of fur they've ever seen. They take lots of photos of their beloved felines, and they just can't stop.

Every little thing these loveable creatures do are caught on camera, including ones that don't have something special or entertaining. Pet owners love sharing them with others, sometimes even for the entire internet to see.

Still, there are animal habits that will always win our hearts. We've seen dogs tilting their heads or cats mleming and blepping. We're going to share some 

As a matter of fact, we humans are so impressed with blepping that there's a whole subreddit dedicated to sharing pictures of cats who stick their tongues out. The subreddit r/Blep has 373k followers as of writing.

This community is strictly for blepping cats only. It doesn't include licking or mleming.

Moderators are strict about this community. They monitor the posts to ensure that we only enjoy blepping goodness.

A username called BillohRly started this subreddit. To date, it is being updated with photos of blepping cats. 

There are tons of photos, and we're sharing some of the best ones in this post. Let's take a look at them!

1. Little lady giving us the blep.

1. Little lady giving us the blep.blueeyedtangle

2. Blepping and shocked.

2. Blepping and shocked.tumbles_

3. Reddit users agree that this is "blepic".

3. Reddit users agree that this is PigeonPenelope

4. Blep from the little one.

4. Blep from the little one.Civil_Ad_5520

5. After getting bitten, the owner gets this mean blep.

5. After getting bitten, the owner gets this mean blep.birdtaxi

6. The first blep of this baby.

6. The first blep of this baby.a-supreme-fiction

7. Smeagol, the majestic boss of all blepers.

7. Smeagol, the majestic boss of all blepers.ensictif

8. According to the person who took this photo at a cat cafe, this furball was blepping the whole time!

8. According to the person who took this photo at a cat cafe, this furball was blepping the whole time!motoattadipnz

9. Bleps are great, even for old cats.

9. Bleps are great, even for old cats.bac0n_cheddar

10. The Blep King of the House

This is Chewie. A couple of months ago, he lived in a parking lot of an abandoned hospital.

10. The Blep King of the Houseadelinethequeen

11. Blepping with an attitude is possible.

11. Blepping with an attitude is possible.oak_nuggins00

12. A blep of bliss and contentment comes from sleeping on a towel.

12. A blep of bliss and contentment comes from sleeping on a towel.Hedgehoginascarf

13. Chutney doesn't blep often. But he looks great when he does.

13. Chutney doesn't blep often. But he looks great when he does.ReleaseTheNerd

14. Lovely blep from a 9-month old cat.

14. Lovely blep from a 9-month old cat.ohhhleyroy

15. This cat kept her blep face on for 5 minutes straight.

15. This cat kept her blep face on for 5 minutes straight.HavohejPantocrator

16. Blepping while napping.

16. Blepping while napping.6gummybearsnscotch

17. She knows she's cute when she's blepping

17. She knows she's cute when she's bleppinglemonlevy

18. The owner was rummaging through old pictures and found this blepping cat photo.

18. The owner was rummaging through old pictures and found this blepping cat photo.txtw

19. Trying to call the cat with a pspsps, only to get a blep.

19. Trying to call the cat with a pspsps, only to get a blep.Difficult_Scene

20. His commitment to the blep made the owner laugh for 5 minutes.

20. His commitment to the blep made the owner laugh for 5 minutes.youdontsharewelldog

21. This may be taken from a weird angle, but that blep is cute anyway.

21. This may be taken from a weird angle, but that blep is cute anyway.sad_glutenfree1

22. She may be annoyed, but she's blepping anyway.

22. She may be annoyed, but she's blepping anyway.DazzleMeAlready

23. Upside down blepping is still a winner.

23. Upside down blepping is still a winner.rodinsleftarm

24. This blep portrait is gorgeous.

24. This blep portrait is gorgeous.Moxielilly

25. years old and still blepping.

25. years old and still blepping.poncey-

26. A small blep while in dreamland.

26. A small blep while in dreamland.lynx0211

27. Beautiful blep.

27. Beautiful blep.catsnbeavers

28. Cheeky blep.

28. Cheeky blep.DietHopeFloats

29. That blep remained for a while.

29. That blep remained for a while.Covanion_X

30. Just stretchin' while bleppin'

30. Just stretchin' while bleppin'ToastedTango

31. Just a simple blep. Nothing more, nothing less.

31. Just a simple blep. Nothing more, nothing less.Quatrinn

32. A cat blepping for the first time on camera is pure joy!

32. A cat blepping for the first time on camera is pure joy!ededcqm

33. Another blep caught on camera for the first time.

33. Another blep caught on camera for the first time.echisholm

34. This girl rarely bleps. Thank goodness she's a asleep so we could enjoy a cute photo.

34. This girl rarely bleps. Thank goodness she's a asleep so we could enjoy a cute photo.xxtatgirl93xx

35. Maximum blep

35. Maximum bleppootie1969

36. Yuki's first blep!

36. Yuki's first blep!Bubblegum-N-Orgasms

37. Blepping while chilling and thinking of nothing.

37. Blepping while chilling and thinking of nothing.Thantoar

38. After more then 5 years, this cat finally poses with a blep on camera.

38. After more then 5 years, this cat finally poses with a blep on camera.LumberjackBrewing

39. Blepping in annoyance.

39. Blepping in annoyance.mooseandfinn

40. Those large eyes and that tiny blep

40. Those large eyes and that tiny blepSilentStarSky

Blepping is so natural with cats that it makes you wonder why they do this.

For us humans, when we do the same act, either we're just being playful or we're mocking someone and more. For cats, there is actually more than one reason behind their blepping.

Cats do this to check the environment around them. They pick up scents, which according to experts, is related to the Flehmen response.

This scientific term means that cats collect pheromones through their tongue. It's the way they gather information about other cats.

Blepping could also mean there's food stuck between their teeth or they're trying to make sense of a new taste. No matter what the reason is, blepping cats are adorable and we love seeing them!
