This TikToker Shares 30 Random Facts That You Probably Didn't Know

If you needed some random facts in your day then this TikTok user has got you covered.

This TikToker Shares 30 Random Facts That You Probably Didn't Know

Random facts seem to circle the internet all the time and most of the time we learn something new that we never even thought of. The cool thing about random facts is that nobody really has probably looked these up because they're so random, which means that these facts are almost always something we had no idea about.

There's so much to learn every day and people will never stop learning, especially thanks to those that share their random facts and knowledge with us. TikTok user DeStorm Power is one of these amazing people that fill the timelines of their followers every day with random facts for them to learn.

DeStorm is a social media user, rapper, actor, and comedian. The main role of his TikTok is to share random facts, whether that be the hottest temperature ever recorded or what the most popular meal ordered is.

People are loving it though. These random facts are too interesting not to want to learn about and they definitely teach us something new thanks to him.

Let's dive into these 30 random facts that you probably didn't know. You never know, you might learn something that can change your everyday life.

1. This is interesting and it makes sense.

"The higher your IQ, the more interesting your dreams are."

1. This is interesting and it makes sense. Andrew Roberts

2. That is too weird to event think about.

"You can eat garlic through your feet. If you rub it on the sole of your foot, you'll taste it in your mouth in 30 minutes."

2. That is too weird to event think about. David Pursehouse

3. I had no idea that's what it stood for.

"The word okay, which stands for all correct or oll korrect is the most frequently used word on the planet."

3. I had no idea that's what it stood for. Alan Levine

4. That's why they use them.

"Dogs smell 1000 times more accurately than humans. So stop being surprised when the drug sniffing dog finds your weed stash at the airport."

4. That's why they use them. liz west

5. This is definitely something that is common.

"Innocent people will admit to a crime they never commited 43% of a time."

5. This is definitely something that is common. ICMA Photos

6. This would be kind of scary to imagine them jumping.

"Elephants are the only mammal that can't jump."

6. This would be kind of scary to imagine them jumping. Megan Coughlin

7. I need to know why though.

"Honey never spoils. So in theory, you can eat 5000 year old honey."

7. I need to know why though. nickodoherty

8. I envy the snail.

A snail can sleep for three years.

8. I envy the snail. Eirien

9. I've heard this one before. Emotions are wild.

"Pupils dilate when looking at someone you love/hate."

9. I've heard this one before. Emotions are wild. anders pearson

10. I couldn't even imagine this.

"The world's youngest parents were eight and nine. They could have been grandparents by 18."

10. I couldn't even imagine this. Richard Leeming

11. That's a lot of smells.

"Your nose can remember 50,000 different smells, and women are better smellers than men."

11. That's a lot of smells. madame.furie

12. That's actually gross.

"A giraffe can clean its ears with its 21 inch tongue."

12. That's actually gross. Festive Coquette

13. Note taken.

"People lie better when they have to go to the bathroom."

13. Note taken. digitonin

14. This one isn't hard to believe.

"You transfer more germs shaking hands than kissing."

14. This one isn't hard to believe. Jon Lebkowsky

15. This is crazy.

"You don't get your fingerprints until you're three months old. So if you want to commit a crime, just hire a couple babies."

15. This is crazy. Bart Everson

16. Ohhh, I wonder why.

"Adult cats are lactose intolerant."

16. Ohhh, I wonder why. Jennifer C.

17. Superpowers are ran by adrenaline.

"Adrenaline gives you super strength with the proper response in certain situations, you can lift a car."

17. Superpowers are ran by adrenaline. marianne muegenburg

18. This is insane. Hardworking moles.

"A mole can dig 300ft long in a single night."

18. This is insane. Hardworking moles. J Marsh

19. No wonder they look so scary.

"Owls can't move their eyeballs."

19. No wonder they look so scary. Mark AC Photos

20. I don't even want to think about this.

"The human head remains conscious 15 seconds after has been decapitated."

20. I don't even want to think about this. hourig94

21. Comparable to a sportscar.

"A cheetah can go from 0 to 60 in 3 seconds."

21. Comparable to a sportscar. Mark Kent

22. This isn't hard to believe.

"ATMs and public toilets are equally as dirty."

22. This isn't hard to believe. Ralf Peter Reimann

23. Who says? I don't believe it.

"Zebras are actually black with white stripes."

23. Who says? I don't believe it. snarglebarf

24. Oops.

"A whopping 76% of people blame their farts on someone else."

24. Oops. Scott Wilcoxson

25. I wish it was that easy.

"Frogs don't need to drink water because they can absorb it directly through their skin."

25. I wish it was that easy. Curious Curiouser

26. Most people fantasize about both.

"37% of men fantasize more about money than sex."

26. Most people fantasize about both. Tony Alter

27. That really sucks though.

"75% of dreams are negative."

27. That really sucks though. Sarah Nichols

28. I know of people who do this.

"30% of people flush the toilet while they're still sitting on it."

28. I know of people who do this. GoonSquadSarah

29. No thank you.

"Everyone has a unique tongue print. Can you imagine unlocking your phone with your tongue?"

29. No thank you. Richard Leeming

30. This is weird.

"You are taller in the morning. So the next time you want to lie about your height, do it in the morning."

30. This is weird. Waterford_Man

Wow, these random facts sure did teach us a lot, but DeStorm Power has a lot more where that came from on his social media accounts. Hopefully, you learned something new today, because I know I did and it made me want to look at more interesting random facts.
